Monday, January 8, 2007

Word for Today January 8 "Tenderness"


January 8, 2007

I am sensitive. I admit it. I am sensitive to loud noises, shouting, yelling, and people saying hurtful things to one another.

I believe that part of the reason the world is suffering is because so often words are spoken with reckless abandon.

My Thought for Today

Before you speak, give some thought to the impact your words, facial expression, and intonation might have on another.

It only takes a milli second to do harm, causing someone to hurt or have a bad day.

I believe that harsh words and expressions can cause the planet great harm.

Here are some words and phrases that I use daily to invoke feelings of compassion and tenderness:

  • Beloved
  • Sweetheart
  • Sweetie
  • You are so sweet
  • That's very kind of you
  • I use "I'm sorry", when I don't understand what someone is saying
  • Dearest
  • Thank you so much
  • Yes, I'm listening
  • It's my pleasure
  • I love you
  • You are special

Try a little tenderness.

I would love to hear of your experience(s) after trying some of these suggestions.

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