"Imagine", the brain child of Ami Dar, Executive Director of Idealist, launched a brainstorming session tonight at the New School here in NYC. Nearly 100 people showed up, bringing their enthusiam, passion and ideas to help influence
change. For details read Thought for Today 1/19/07.
In a very relaxed and informal setting, Amir explained his vision, introducing a focus on fundamental values, global warming, while providing an opportunity for brainstormers to introduce their own issues and concerns. Amir is also focused on how to easily bring people together while keep things decentralized.
I was hooked at the offset, ready to sign up for any mission that would help us launch, especially after Dar mentioned having fun in the process.
After introducing the basic concepts surrounding "Imagine", Amir opened the floor to questions and comments. Participants spoke about fears, many had already begun projects related to global warming, and there were specific solutions for getting the word out through advertising and other such mediums.
Afterwards, I had the good fortune of meeting Amir, and he graciously thanked me for sharing here at my blog, a link for both "Imagine" and Idealist.
In turn, Amir has linked my blog, this blog, to the front page of the Idealist website. Go to www.idealist.org, at the section, "Thanks for The Blogging", you'll see my name highlighted. When you click my name, it feeds you to my blog.
How cool is that?
But on a serious tip, any persons in New York interested in knowing more, feel free to email me or post a comment, and I will provide more details.
Change is in evitable. Why not be a catalyst for change right now, at this hour, for the good.
You can join the "Imagine" initiative by connecting with others of like mind, helping to make things better for both our planet and for all those who dwell within it.
Peace and love,
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I had the wonderful experience of having a true demonstration of God's work manifesting for me. It is wonderful and inspiring to hear and see people doing the proactive things to bring about a higher consciousness here on earth.
Thank you all, and keep up the good works.
Peace and Blessings,
Hi Jeff, please share. What was your wonderful experience?
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